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9. Obelisk and and Three Point Trinity Symbol

Obelisks became popular gravestone motifs in the 1800s due to the discovery of Ancient Egyptian archaeological discoveries treasured by the British.  Typically four-sided and topped by a pyramidal point, obelisks can have many variations. One advantage of the obelisk is that all four sides can be engraved. An obelisk stands higher in the graveyard and makes it easier to locate. It is thought to represent a ray of light.


Three point Trinity symbols come in various forms. A stylized trefoil, as seen here, is one such form, while another is an equilateral triangle or a circle within a triangle. The three spheres can also represent “Faith, Hope and Charity,” “Friendship, Charity and Benevolence” or “Friendship, Love and Truth”.  Many fraternal organizations use the three pointed Trinity symbol to express their fundamental beliefs.

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